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2. How to lock Computer with an easy shortcut:
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4. Creating one click SHUTDOWN and REBOOT shortcut :
5. We can't make a folder named con, nul, com1 - com9, lpt1 - lpt9 and com1- com9 .
6. Change AM/PM of Date and Time with your Name shown on the bottom right of the taskbar.
7. How to know your IP Address .
8. How to reset password in windows 7.
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16. Hide your desktop folders.
Algorithm -examples
Eg.1. Draw a flowchart to print your name.
Eg.2. Draw a flowchart to print your address.
Eg.3. Draw a flowchart to input your name and date of birth(dob). Display all.
Eg.4. Draw a flowchart to input name, fathers name, date of birth(dob) and qualification. Display all.
Eg.7. Draw a flowchart to input roll number, name, marks of three subject. Calculate total and average. Display all.
Eg.8. Draw a flowchart to input book number, book name, author name, price, number of copies. Display all with their total.
Eg.9. Draw a flowchart to input principle amount, rate of interest, time. Calculate S.I and Display all.
Eg.10. Draw a flowchart to input the item number, item name, quantity, price .Calculate the total price where discount is 5%. Calculate its net total. Display all.
Eg.15. Draw a flowchart to find the distance between the points a, b, c. Display all.
Eg.16. Draw a flowchart to accept two numbers from user N1, N2 and find out the greatest among them.
Eg.17. Draw a flowchart to find out profit and loss on the basic of cost price or selling price depending on price. We purchased where profit. We purchased where profit is P = SP – CP and loss is L = CP – SP.
Eg.18. Draw flowchart to input item name, quantity in hand, transaction, quantity and type of transaction if type is = “Issue”
Eg.2. Draw a flowchart to print your address.
Eg.3. Draw a flowchart to input your name and date of birth(dob). Display all.
Eg.4. Draw a flowchart to input name, fathers name, date of birth(dob) and qualification. Display all.
Eg.5. Draw a flowchart to input roll number, student name, marks of three subject(eng, hin, math). Display all.
Eg.6. Draw a flowchart to input book number, book name, author name, prize, number of copies . Display all.
Eg.7. Draw a flowchart to input roll number, name, marks of three subject. Calculate total and average. Display all.
Eg.8. Draw a flowchart to input book number, book name, author name, price, number of copies. Display all with their total.
Eg.9. Draw a flowchart to input principle amount, rate of interest, time. Calculate S.I and Display all.
Eg.10. Draw a flowchart to input the item number, item name, quantity, price .Calculate the total price where discount is 5%. Calculate its net total. Display all.
Eg.11. Draw a flowchart to input employee number, name, salary. Calculate HRA, PF, Total salary and next salary where HRA is 5% of salary and PF is 2% of salary. Display all.
Eg.12. Draw a flowchart to input temperature in Fahrenheit. Calculate the Celsius temperature. Display all.
Eg.13. Draw a flowchart to input the length and breadth of a rectangle and find the area of it. Display all.
E.g.14. Draw a flowchart to input roll number, name, marks of three subject. Find out the average if marks is above 50 then ‘pass’ else ‘fail’. Display all.
Eg.15. Draw a flowchart to find the distance between the points a, b, c. Display all.
Eg.16. Draw a flowchart to accept two numbers from user N1, N2 and find out the greatest among them.
Eg.17. Draw a flowchart to find out profit and loss on the basic of cost price or selling price depending on price. We purchased where profit. We purchased where profit is P = SP – CP and loss is L = CP – SP.
Eg.18. Draw flowchart to input item name, quantity in hand, transaction, quantity and type of transaction if type is = “Issue”
Tot = QH – TQ
Tot = QH + TQ
Eg.19. Draw a flowchart to input name, subject, net price of the book and discount is given depending upon the subject. Display all. Subject Discount
Computer 20% of price
Science 25% of price
English 20% of price
Other 0
Eg.20. Draw a flowchart to input the value of a, b, c and find out d = b2 – 4ac. Condition Display
if d=0 Real and equal
if d=0 Real and unequal
if d=0 Imaginary
Eg.21. Draw a flowchart to input name, salary of a person, HRA and PF depends on salary .Display all.
Eg.21. Draw a flowchart to input name, salary of a person, HRA and PF depends on salary .Display all.
Subject HRA PF
>10000 8% 5%
>8000 5% 3%
>6500 4% 2%
>6000 2% O
Eg.22. Draw a flowchart to input name, year of service, basic pay. Increment is calculated according to the year of service. Display all. Year Of Service Increment
>10 50% of basic pay
>8 25% of basic pay
>6 20% of basic pay
Otherwise 0
Eg.23. Draw a flowchart to display your name 10 times.
Eg.24. Draw a flowchart to display 100, 99, 98, 97, 96,……
Eg.24. Draw a flowchart to display 100, 99, 98, 97, 96,……
Eg.25. Draw a flowchart to display 2, 4, 6, 8, ………, 20.
Eg.C.3. Write a program to input book number, name, author name, price, number of copies. Calculate total.
Eg.26. Draw a flowchart to display 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15.
Eg.27. Draw a flowchart to display 1, 8, 27, 64, 125, …………, 1000.
Eg.28. Draw a flowchart to display 1, 10, 100, 1000, ……….., 100000.
Eg.29. Draw a flowchart to display 100, 99, 97, 94, 90, 85, 79, …….........., 45.
C -examples
Eg.C.1. Write a program to input name, roll number. Eg.C.2. Write a program to input the name, roll number, marks of three subject. Calculate total and average.
Eg.30. Draw a flowchart to display 50, 100, 200, 350, ………, 6000.
Eg.31. Draw a flowchart to display 3, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, …………., 31.
Eg.32. Draw a flowchart to display 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, ……… , 200.
Eg.33. Draw a flowchart to display 5, 10, 30, 120, …………., 1000.
Eg.34. Draw a flowchart to display sum of factorial 8.
C -examples
Eg.C.3. Write a program to input book number, name, author name, price, number of copies. Calculate total.
Eg.C.4. Write a program to find area of a circle.
Eg.C.5. Write a program to input gender and print good morning Sir and M’am.
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